Writing Smart Contracts With Truffle
In my article Smart contracts for the impatient I documented how to deploy a contract using Mist to the testnet Rinkeby.
While it is a good example for demonstration purposes, we’ll probably go crazy if we try to deploy a Ðapp or contract doing everything manually.
What if we could develop for Ethereum, just as if we were building yet another JavaScript application. What if we could:
- Automatically test our contracts or Ðapps before deploying to a real network?
- Deploy contracts with a simple command?
- Write contracts in a modular way?
- Interact with our contracts through a CLI?
- Have automatic linting?
Truffle is a development framework for Ethereum, it not only offers all the things listed above but even more!
From their README, they describe themselves as:
For people familiar with JavaScript and Ember.js, we could say Truffle is the ember-cli for Ethereum.
The goal of this article is to teach people how to:
- Install Truffle.
- Use the Ethereum RPC client for testing and development.
- Familiarize with the basic concepts in Truffle.
- Write the “Hello World” contract including tests.
- Deploy the contract to Rinkeby.
Basic familiarity with JavaScript and Node.js is required, and we assume people is using macOS and Node.js higher or equal to 7.6.
Installing Truffle
We can install Truffle using npm
, from their guide:
npm install -g truffle
After running the command above, we should we able to do the following and see some kind of output:
$ truffle
Truffle v3.2.5 - a development framework for Ethereum
Usage: truffle <command> [options]
init Initialize new Ethereum project with example contracts and
compile Compile contract source files
migrate Run migrations to deploy contracts
deploy (alias for migrate)
build Execute build pipeline (if configu
In theory we could use Rinkeby for development, but relying on a real blockchain for development is not very efficient. We don’t want to use our test Ether or wait for transactions to complete. Also, since we don’t have control of such network, it would be very hard for us to write test in a deterministic way.
The Ethereum JavaScript community has an Ethereum RPC client for testing and development, which allow us to mock our interactions with a real network.
The name of the project is testrpc:
testrpc is a Node.js based Ethereum client for testing and development. It uses ethereumjs to simulate full client behavior and make developing Ethereum applications much faster. It also includes all popular RPC functions and features (like events) and can be run deterministically to make development a breeze.
Since it’s published as an npm package, we can install it with the following command:
npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
Once testrpc
is installed, we can start the client by running testrpc
$ testrpc
EthereumJS TestRPC v3.0.5
Available Accounts
(0) 0x05dd2f0e2c917d2f83770403359cab4b1645ab9c
(1) 0xaefcaeeda04808db06abf62a29cfccc2892c48e3
(2) 0xbd3d2750e62063ace2f6bc7157e4d8a81c36093b
(3) 0x91c86d236cc301756effae9db74ce8cb3a3c6a1e
(4) 0x1fed08900dd0420235dc9bb812483299f74200e2
(5) 0xe42e9f89b2d96ab6dd4711da4ebee4d0f792fb1b
(6) 0x4166f9a27a7303f3c820d85c0f1641315cfa0474
(7) 0x51691ae53211fa46c4b1b99d42255e02905f400f
(8) 0x8dbfdced435891e24e0fa4c54dde78ea843f94e2
(9) 0xcbd1865983eabac38e3816cdc257bb4fcc65f9d0
Private Keys
(0) 8f2dbfaab1307655f2e5751e9f4ff997b5ce312b4b50b14cbd26cb71f89b5b0e
(1) 2c8c794d7f82ccccdad471aa9d82f59c13396ec266c5cbc227bfe5a7df04f94f
(2) 55d116cef11e807098f5dac5120b843b1535235241a044f7a0a50cefbd2e3b8e
(3) 63ef474c8f686774d38f420af459ad32978757dc40c9c28fbdfc46aa161f5362
(4) 5719fa65b2f360b778dff07ef7daad555cfee0b80988c8a5480a9241c63a5898
(5) 0b73f66a37fb65dd6410c55ae0293899bf72ccc98b18766b5bc107bfac40f0d7
(6) 46d745be848383573207615b213abde5c70ec078d2bf087de9de4e1b577368ee
(7) d3b4a15fb0f13a77c34edd5e630bae7c4faf49eba81573a274fa2abe14db3759
(8) fdfd64d0167d716bc743bdd1ddb45bb82a6d01fa6db02cebbb8d568dd57b91d3
(9) 1ae6c6c0cbf4d380adef1a718bf2a2cd62a89212f60cf672a77aaeeb543c1a80
HD Wallet
Mnemonic: audit can stock squeeze equip aerobic abuse access fringe grocery stone novel
Base HD Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}
Listening on localhost:8545
As a quick test, we can start Mist
using this client instead of geth and then we should see all the wallets listed above with some Ether.
/Applications/Mist.app/Contents/MacOS/Mist --rpc http://localhost:8545
Keep testrpc
running and now let’s start using Truffle.
Starting a project
To create a new project do the following:
$ mkdir hello-world
$ cd hello-world
$ truffle init
After creating the project, we’ll see a basic skeleton app, we can test that everything is working by running the default test:
$ truffle test
Using network 'development'.
Compiling ./contracts/ConvertLib.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/MetaCoin.sol...
Compiling ./test/TestMetacoin.sol...
Compiling truffle/Assert.sol...
Compiling truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol...
✓ testInitialBalanceUsingDeployedContract (63ms)
✓ testInitialBalanceWithNewMetaCoin (60ms)
Contract: MetaCoin
✓ should put 10000 MetaCoin in the first account (63ms)
✓ should call a function that depends on a linked library (79ms)
✓ should send coin correctly (173ms)
5 passing (840ms)
The command truffle init
uses the following repo as default blueprint https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle-init-default, it includes an example contract and tests.
Since we are going to be writing our own contract and tests, we are going to remove some of the defaults:
rm contracts/ConvertLib.sol contracts/MetaCoin.sol
rm test/TestMetacoin.sol test/metacoin.js
rm migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
Creating contracts with Truffle and testing
To create a new contract, run the command truffle create
. It
requires the type of item we want to create and the name.
truffle create contract HelloWorld
The name must be CamelCased
. After running the command, the file will be under contracts/HelloWorld.sol
with the following content:
pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
contract HelloWorld {
function HelloWorld() {
// constructor
Next, add the code for the hello world contract.
pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
contract HelloWorld {
//Begin: state variables
address private creator;
address private lastCaller;
string private message;
uint private totalGas;
//End: state variables
//Begin: constructor
function HelloWorld() {
We can use the special variable `tx` which gives us information
about the current transaction.
`tx.origin` returns the sender of the transaction.
`tx.gasprice` returns how much we pay for the transaction
creator = tx.origin;
totalGas = tx.gasprice;
message = 'hello world';
//End: constructor
//Begin: getters
function getMessage() constant returns(string) {
return message;
function getLastCaller() constant returns(address) {
return lastCaller;
function getCreator() constant returns(address) {
return creator;
function getTotalGas() constant returns(uint) {
return totalGas;
//End: getters
//Being: setters
function setMessage(string newMessage) {
message = newMessage;
lastCaller = tx.origin;
totalGas += tx.gasprice;
//End: setters
Once we have the code for the contract, we need to find a way to deploy it into the blockchain. Truffle has a primitive called migration, which can be used to compose and deploy contracts.
Create a migration called deploy_hello_world
$ truffle create migration deploy_hello_world
$ git st
On branch master
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
Above we can see that a new file got created (if you get a different result, it means the following PR has not been merged yet https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle-core/pull/13, rename it so it look similar to the one above).
Next, update the code for the contract to deploy our HelloWorld
example, to do so we’ll require the contract and then use the deployer:
// We use artifacts.require to tell Truffle which artifacts we'll be
// interacting with.
// In the example below, we are requiring the contract HelloWorld
// which returns an abstraction that we can use for the deployment.
const HelloWorld = artifacts.require('HelloWorld')
module.exports = function(deployer) {
// Read more about artifacts here http://truffleframework.com/docs/getting_started/migrations#artifacts-require-
We should be able to deploy the contract to the test blockchain
running truffle migrate --reset
$ truffle migrate --reset
Compiling ./contracts/HelloWorld.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol...
Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts
Using network 'development'.
Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
Deploying Migrations...
Migrations: 0x665311133c3f2ca24c633da656ded48619fb3239
Saving successful migration to network...
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 1499575148_deploy_hello_world.js
Deploying HelloWorld...
HelloWorld: 0xba06f7905d9c4584be914365ae1ce44688e50504
Saving successful migration to network...
Saving artifacts...
If we look at the log from testrpc
we’ll see a register of the
Transaction: 0x11316dc23e638f8d9aaae06fd0751a209f94ed2dd1c42307cf25c6c01198f0df
Contract created: 0xba06f7905d9c4584be914365ae1ce44688e50504
Gas usage: 0x05a8a4
Block Number: 0x07
Block Time: Sat Jul 08 2017 22:21:52 GMT-0700 (PDT)
Transaction: 0x3b0c127d8a8ffe1465091a4208204b97016991f4396d19e40edcbd8323988a7a
Gas usage: 0x696e
Block Number: 0x08
Block Time: Sat Jul 08 2017 22:21:53 GMT-0700 (PDT)
We have successfully deployed a contract using Truffle to testrpc
but we haven’t written any test yet. That’s what we’ll do next.
Truffle has built-in support for testing. We’ll write some test for the methods defined in our contract.
To create the test we need to run the command truffle create test HelloWorld
and then put the following content in test/hello_world.js
const HelloWorld = artifacts.require('HelloWorld')
contract('HelloWorld', function(accounts) {
it('sets the first account as the contract creator', async function() {
// This give a truffle abstraction which allow us to interact with our contracts.
const contract = await HelloWorld.deployed()
// Once we have the "contract" we can make calls or transations and then assert.
// The following is making a call to get the creator.
const creator = await contract.getCreator()
assert.equal(creator, accounts[0], 'main account is the creator')
it('has hello world as initial message ', async function() {
const contract = await HelloWorld.deployed()
const message = await contract.getMessage()
assert.equal(message, 'hello world', 'message is hello world')
it('changes the message via setMessage', async function() {
const contract = await HelloWorld.deployed()
// Execute a transaction and change the state of the contract.
await contract.setMessage('hola mundo')
// Get the new state.
const message = await contract.getMessage()
assert.equal(message, 'hola mundo', 'message is hola mundo')
Once we have the test file setup, we can run our tests with the command
truffle test
$ truffle test
Compiling ./contracts/HelloWorld.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol...
Contract: HelloWorld
✓ sets the first account as the contract creator (47ms)
✓ has hello world as initial message (44ms)
✓ changes the message via setMessage (80ms)
3 passing (197ms)
Wrapping up
In this article, we covered how to create, test and deploy a contract using Truffle and testrpc. In Deploying Truffle contracts to Rinkeby, we’ll see how to add networks and deploy to Rinkeby. Follow me on twitter (@abuiles) or subscribe to my feed to get updates on my post.
You can find the code and steps for this article in GitHub https://github.com/abuiles/Writing-Smart-Contracts-With-Truffle.
Finally, we talked superficially about Truffle’s contracts, migrations and tests. To learn more about it check their website.