###Update: Don’t worry about this, store.find has been simplified, read Update your finds.

Store#find (inject as this.store.find) is one of those methods in Ember-Data which confuses people, especially since it behaves very different depending on the parameters passed-in.

This article try to demystify store.find and explain how it will behave accordingly to the parameters.

Let’s have its definition on top and then use it as reference:

find: function(type, id, preload) {
    Ember.assert("You need to pass a type to the store's find method", arguments.length >= 1);
    Ember.assert("You may not pass `" + id + "` as id to the store's find method", arguments.length === 1 || !Ember.isNone(id));

    if (arguments.length === 1) {
      return this.findAll(type);

    // We are passed a query instead of an id.
    if (Ember.typeOf(id) === 'object') {
      return this.findQuery(type, id);

    return this.findById(type, coerceId(id), preload);

We can use find to load a single record or a collection of records.

If you want to run the commands in the article, you can download the following ember-cli application https://github.com/abuiles/borrowers and then run ember server it will proxy all the API request to a public API.

$ git clone https://github.com/abuiles/borrowers
$ cd borrowers
$ npm install && bower install

Scenario #1: Loading a collection

If we call find only with a model’s name then it will make a request to load a list of records of that type, the following is an example of such request:

friends =  $E.store.find('friend')

XHR finished loading: GET "http://localhost:4200/api/v2/friends".

First, in case you are wondering what $E is, I’m grabbing an instance of the application router using the ember-inspector.

If we want to send query parameters with our request, we can pass an object as second argument and every key on the object will be included as parameter:

friends =  $E.store.find('friend', {hasArticles: true, sort_by: 'created_at'})

XHR finished loading: GET "http://localhost:4200/api/v2/friends?hasArticles=true&sort_by=created_at".

In the previous request we asked find to load all the articles, sending as parameters the key hasArticles and sort_by.

Like all and filter the result from find is a live array too. When called it will make a request to the server and then the collection will be updated if more records are added or removed from the store.

I’ve seen people using the private methods findQuery and findByIds like:

   // Using the private function store.findQuery
   model: function (params) {
      return this.store.findQuery('friend', {hasArticles: true, sort_by: 'created_at'});

   // Using the private funcion findByIds
   model: function (params) {
      return this.store.findByIds('friend', [1,2,3]);

We should never rely on private functions, they are marked private for a reason. Although Igor Terzic pointed that findQuery might be marked as private by mistake.

We can achieve the same result using the method find:

   model: function (params) {
      // bad
      // return this.store.findQuerygo('friend', {hasArticles: true, sort_by: 'created_at'});

      // Good
      return this.store.find('friend', {hasArticles: true, sort_by: 'created_at'})

   model: function (params) {
      // bad
      // return this.store.findByIds('friend', [1,2,3]);

      // good
      return this.store.find('friend', {ids: [1,2,3]});

Scenario #2: Loading a single record

We can also use find to load an specific record, to do that we’ll only need to pass the record id as second argument:

$E.store.find('friend', 15)
XHR finished loading: GET "http://localhost:4200/api/v2/friends/15".

In the previous example we are loading the friend with id 15, the store will only make a request to the server if the friend is not available in the store, to understand this, let’s go to http://localhost:4200/friends and then on the console try the following:

id = $E.store.all('friend').get('firstObject').id
$E.store.find('friend', id)

If we open our network tab, we’ll see that the store didn’t make any request this time, the reason is that we asked for a friend which was already loaded into the store.

Is important to mention that find, all and filter return promises, when testing on the browser’s console we don’t have to worry about it, but if we want to use the result in our application then we need to keep this in mind.

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