** this post is out-dated use Lightning Fast Deployments instead **

I moved the app which I was doing as part of my Ember.js with Rails series to ember-cli, but just until very recently deployed to heroku.

I want to put my ember-cli output into my rails/public and then include the scripts into my application layout

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base href="/" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="ember-assets/vendor.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="ember-assets/client.css">
    <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
    <%= yield %>
      window.ENV = {"railsCsrf":{"csrfURL":"api/v1/csrf"},"baseURL":"/","locationType":"auto","FEATURES":{"query-params-new":true},"APP":{}};
    <script src="ember-assets/client.js"></script>
      window.Client = require('client/app')['default'].create(ENV.APP);

I do it like this because I want to include my csrf_tags in the body and also have the option of preloading any data if I need to.

Out of topic, but since handling csrf-tags is such a common scenario I wrote rails-csrf, a plugin which you can install through bower for handling CSRF for you.


I came through a script by Jason Madsen(@jason_madsen) which would take care of building the ember-cli app and putting it under public, it works great but the final output is under your public/index.html which I don’t want.

I modified the script to do a couple of things more.

  1. Add <%= csrf_meta_tags %> before head (line 40).
  2. Add <%= yield %> after body (line 43).
  3. Replace application.html.erb with my final index.html (line 46)

The script can be found on the following gist


Now with the desired output, is just a matter of git commit and git push to heroku.

To make it easier I added the following task to my Rakefile, it:

  1. Accepts the “env” I want to deploy and the remote name (heroku end-point).
  2. Moves to the specified env and merges master.
  3. Runs the build script and commit the changes.
  4. Push the changes to heroku.
task :deploy, :env, :remote do |t, args|
  sh "git checkout #{args[:env]}"
  sh 'git merge master -m "Merging for deployment"'
  sh './build.sh'

  sh 'git add -A'
  sh 'git commit -m "Compile for deployment"'

  sh "git push #{args[:remote]} head:master"

A standard deployment would be something like rake deploy[production, heroku]

It assumes you have a branch called production and that your remote is called heroku.


Thanks to Jason Madsen for his initial script, he also made a rails template knomedia/ember-cli-rails.

The rake task was mostly inspired by DockYard’s ember-cli-plus-backend.

Future work

There is still a lot of things to improve which I’ll be blogging about as part of my ember-cli + Rails series. Here’s a list of things:

  1. Deploying to heroku just the Rails files, currently we include the ember-cli app as well.
  2. Using cloud front for serving your assets.
  3. Fingerprinting is super simple with broccoli-asset-rev see it in use here.
  4. Doing lightning fast deployments (see Luke’s Melia talk on Rails Conf).

**Learn how to write apps with Ember.js, ember-cli and Ruby on Rails, subscribe to my list and I will let you know every time I publish an article. **