I stopped writing my series of getting started with Ember.js using Ember AppKit Rails after finding out that the gem was doomed to die in favor of using ember-cli. Brian Cardarella wrote recently about the reasons behind.

During the last months I’ve been following ember-cli and using it to migrate the app which I was building as part of the series for then writing about it, but Brian released recently a series of post about using ember-cli with Rails which are really good:

  1. Building an Ember App with Rails Part 1.
  2. Building an Ember App with Rails Part 2.
  3. Building an Ember App with Rails Part 2.

I still plan to continue writing about it since there is room for a lot of stuff and the ember-cli project is moving fast, but for now I would recommend Brian’s posts and as he said, just stopped using EAKR, ember-cli is the future and building apps with it is a lot of fun.

If you are interested in migrating an app from Rails to ember-cli the following are the commits since I started the migration https://github.com/abuiles/facturas/compare/b47781f…master.

I’m still writing about working with Ember.js and Ruby on Rails now with ember-cli, subscribe to my list and I will let you know every time I publish an article.
