On part 1 of Working With JavaScript Plugins in ember-cli , we explore how to work with JavaScript plugins which are still distributed as globas and came up with a pattern for wrapping up globals while using the module system.

On part 2 we explored how to work with libraries including a a named AMD distribution via app.import.

In this article, we’ll explore how to work with libraries via npm and browserify.


Browserify is a Node library which allows us to consume other Node libraries in the Browser using CommonJS (which is Node’s module system), what this means is that we can install libraries like MomentJS using npm and then consume them in the browser via browserify. But wait, to use Browserify we actually need to install the library and create a “bundle” with our dependencies, normally we’ll run something like browserify main.js -o bundle.js and then use bundle.js via a script tag <script src="bundle.js"></script>.

As we can imagine this can get tricky and hard to manage in our ember-cli application, but thanks to Edward Faulkner there is addon which allow us to consume libraries from npm with browserify without needing us to worry about the bundling process, it is called ember-browserify.

Using ember-browserify

First we need to install the addon, which we can do running ember install:

$ ember install:addon ember-browserify

Once the addon has been installed, we are going to use it to consume MomentJS from npm in our data-helpers file.

Before doing that, let’s make sure we have removed moment from our bower.json and also that we have removed app.import('bower_components/moment/moment.js'); from the Brocfile.

Next, let’s install moment via npm, which we can do with npm install moment --save-dev.

Once it has been installed we can consume it from npm thanks to ember-browserify just doing import moment from 'npm:moment';.

Let’s use it in our date-helpers so formatDate uses moment.

import moment from 'npm:moment';

function formatDate(date, format) {
  return moment(date).format(format);

export {

And that’s it, we are now consuming MomentJS via browserify just as if it was other module in our application.

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