This is the second post of my series about learning Ember.js with Ruby on Rails.

Ember App Kit

Ember App Kit is project started by Embereño Stefan Penner, from its page:

Ember App Kit (EAK) is a robust starter kit for developing applications in Ember.js. EAK makes it easy to develop, build, test, and deploy applications independent of any back-end build process.

Getting an Ember project started is really easy thanks to EAK, it already puts the basic structure of our apps so we can focus on what we like the most, developing.

But what if I want to use Ruby on Rails and Ember? How can I get all this stuff to play nicely?.

There are three options:

  1. Keep two separate projects, a Rails app (probably using rails-api) and an EAK app.
  2. Use the ember-rails which basically puts Ember’s source files in your project and compiles your templates.
  3. Use Ember Appkit Rails :).

Introducing Ember Appkit Rails.

Ember Appkit Rails is a DockYard’s project which aims to port Ember App Kit to the Asset Pipeline.

Different to the ember-rails’s gem, EAKR brings the same level of importance to your Ember.js files as your Rails files (plus some other goodies), and this has a huge impact on how we are used to look at Rails apps.

EAKR (Ember Appkit Rails) puts by default all your ember application code under app/ and configuration files under config/, it also removes app/assets/javascripts from the assets load path and ignores files put in that directory. All this can be configurable and and could change for 1.0.

You also get some Rails generators and if you pass --ember, it will create the equivalent files for Ember.

As an example let’s look at the output of rails g scaffold posts --ember

$rails g scaffold user first_name:string last_name:string --ember
      invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/20140131134237_create_users.rb
      create    app/models/user.rb
      invoke    rspec
      create      spec/models/user_spec.rb
      invoke      factory_girl
      create        spec/factories/users.rb
      create  config/serializers/user_serializer.rb
      invoke  ember:resource
      create    app/models/user.es6
      create    test/models/user_test.es6
      create    app/routes/users/edit.es6
      create    app/routes/users/index.es6
      create    app/routes/users/new.es6
      create    app/routes/users/show.es6
      insert    config/router.es6
      create    app/templates/users/edit.hbs
      create    app/templates/users/index.hbs
      create    app/templates/users/new.hbs
      create    app/templates/users/show.hbs
      create    app/templates/users.hbs
      create    app/templates/users/form.hbs
      invoke  scaffold_controller
      create    app/controllers/api/v1/users_controller.rb
      invoke    rspec

It creates our Ruby on Rails models, controllers, Ember files and test.

Some important things to notice here are

  1. Ember.js files are located under app, e.g. app/models/user.es6

  2. Note the extension for JavaScript files: .es6. It means that they are written using ECMAScript 6 syntax which then is compiled to AMD (Hopefully GitHub will start to highlight this file)

  3. Your controller is namespaced under api/vX, you can change the version with config.ember.api_version, also your controller is optimized to be a json end-point.

  4. test/models/user_test.es6 this is actually not part of the official version but might be integrated any time soon (I’m using a development branch), you will also get test for other parts of your Ember app like Routes, Controller, and Integration.

All this is still under heavy development and some things might change (I’ll keep this post updated).

In the next post we will start to work on an application and also get into some of Ember.js concepts as we start to come across them.

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